Greetings and Welcome to my Website !
Using the wisdom of the Angels to help and honor my clients in their life journey to total mind/body wellness, As An Angel Therapy Practitioner ® . and The Reconnection ® as a Reconnective Healing Therapist ®.
Hello, I am known as Phoenix , and I am offering my services to the world in order to help everyone who is attracted to this site to be able to have help and guidance on their life path, be it for spiritual unfoldment , Guidance to a more complete understanding of lifes trials and lessons.
or if you are looking for a return to Physical Well Being. I offer Phone and E-Mail readings and local and distance Healing energies. I am a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner ® , And using The Reconnection, I am Also a certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner ® . I have also attended various workshops on Mediumship in Lily Dale, Ny. And have successfully completed intensive training in spirit linking and public mediumship with Sharon Anne Klingler, Also in Lily Dale, Ny.

_ I am offering my wisdom and insight from years of seeking Gods love and light, and life lessons I have learned to help guide you to a better life. Phone readings can be prearranged so that I receive payment in advance, and we can come up with a mutually agreed upon day and time for You to call me for your reading. For a nominal 10.00 charge I will be happy to record the reading on CD and mail it to you, at this time I prefer you send a check or money order, I can also accept payment via Pay-Pal. Please Note : Through personal experience I have had various readings for myself from other people, where it turned out later that up to half the information I thought was part of my message from Spirit was actually just commentary from the person giving the reading based on their personal life experience or beliefs. I am committed to being a man of Integrity, good character and of the highest standards , morals and values, therefore you can be assured anything said in your reading will be directly from spirit, be it your Angels / Guides or Deceased loved ones. Donations for Readings and or life coaching are $40.00 for one half hour and $ 55.00 for one hour. Reconnective Healing ® the rate is $65.00 for one half hour, However, it sometimes takes a little longer depending on the energy you need . I will be happy to do distance healing work.. I also offer Angel oracle card readings using one of the card decks I currently have of the Doreen Virtue Angel cards. We can pre-arrange which one you prefer. Please feel free to contact me at
I am also proud to announce that as of July of 2016, I have been approved by John of God in Abadiania, Brazil. To own and operate a Crystal Light Bed. I now offer sessions for you on this wonderful gift from God.
I am also proud to announce that as of July of 2016, I have been approved by John of God in Abadiania, Brazil. To own and operate a Crystal Light Bed. I now offer sessions for you on this wonderful gift from God.
* Please note; the artwork on these pages is strictly being used as artistic enhancements to my website courtesy of Daniel B.Holeman. and Awaken visions or others and is not to be considered as a trademark logo. For more of this Amazing artwork please visit
* Disclaimer, “For legal purposes it is understood that all readings are for the purposes of entertainment or amusement only. I do not claim to predict the future for you. I am conveying messages and advice to you from your Angels, Spirit guides, And or Departed loved ones. If you choose to follow this advice it is at your discretion only. ”
* Disclaimer, “For legal purposes it is understood that all readings are for the purposes of entertainment or amusement only. I do not claim to predict the future for you. I am conveying messages and advice to you from your Angels, Spirit guides, And or Departed loved ones. If you choose to follow this advice it is at your discretion only. ”