About Me , Myself and I. We make a great team working together. !

Me with my favorite Lightworker in Lilly Dale , N.Y.
Hello , I am known as Phoenix and I live in the beautiful Mountains of north central Pennsylvania , In Potter County, { A.K.A. Gods Country. }
This photo Is just after finishing my week long training in Advanced Spirit Communication and Public Mediumship in My favorite place, Lilly Dale , N.Y. with a Great Teacher, Sharon Ann Klingler, of Starbringer associates. www.starbringerassociates.com
Since early adulthood. I have been searching for the meaning of life. My thoughts at that time were. What is the sense of life. You're born, you live ex-number of years, if you're fortunate enough to find a good partner. You have children, then you grow old and die. For many years, I could not understand the meaning of life or the purpose of life, what with all the so called negativity and violence in the world. And then in the late 80's. I discovered some books in a library in Wellsboro,Pa; by Linda Goodman, which I resonated with and began learning about the mysteries of life. Between her book, star signs and many of the books, she had listed in the bibliography in the back of the book, which I began to purchase and read, my path to to becoming a lightworker was underway. Since that time, I have had periods of learning things of the spiritual nature and what I have come to believe is the true meaning of life and the purpose of life. as well as times of getting so caught up in the drama of life that I drifted away from my quest for knowing the Spiritual truths. and for the past decade or so I have been putting a lot more energy into my search for enlightenment than ever before. And so, as it is written. Seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you. The more energy and intensity that you put into learning the mysteries of life that the churches and religious leaders do not teach us for whatever reasons, the more enlightened you become. And I have also learned that what is right, for one individual may well not be right for others, each and every one of us are here on earth to have individual life experiences which when we finally get out of our ego consciousness and look at from a higher perspective, are for us to learn and grow spiritually, If there is indeed one God, then he would have created as many various paths to return to his light and love as possible, in order for people from all nations and all walks of life to return to him. I currently believe that each and every one of us should have the freedom and the ability to follow, the God of their own understanding. As I look back on my life. I am now very grateful for all the hard times, and difficult experiences that I have gone through, as I now know they were all for my highest good. And they helped me to become a stronger and better person. In 2005 spirit led me to meet a beautiful group of people, who were part of a Reiki group, these people were very open, loving and understanding and quite willing to share their knowledge and understanding of living in the light. As a result of interacting with these undercover lightworkers I was guided by my intuition to start reading a book titled the lightworker's way, by Doreen Virtue P.H.D and that book sparked my interest in reading more of her books on working with angels. So in early 2006. I was strongly compelled to go to Doreen's Angel Therapy ®, seminar in Laguna Beach, California. Which turned out to be a life changing event, and In the ball room at the St. Regis Hotel, where the seminar was held, on the very first day ; to my astonishment, I was giving accurate and detailed Angelic spiritual readings, Doreen's helpers were standing around the outside perimeter of the room with arms outstretched and their fingers touching, calling on the Arch Angels and Angels to cleanse and purify the energies in the room, after Doreen gave an opening prayer and an explanation of how to work with the Angels energies, we were paired off in groups of two with someone we did not know, my first spiritual reading in the morning was very basic and only giving yes and no answers to questions. Then in the afternoon, we did it again, and I was astounded at myself, for the lady I was paired off with began crying and was visibly moved by what I was telling her. All she told me was the she wanted information about a friend, I did not know whether this friend was alive or passed away when I started giving her a reading, when I finished, she confirmed everything I said as having been true, I will not give the contents of the reading as I have vowed to keep all my readings private and confidential and not tell anyone ever what comes through, because it is intended only for the person receiving the message. As the weekend progressed I learned how to work with the Angels in comforting people through the loss of loved ones and developed the ability to intuitively receive the messages from the Angels. Needless to say, it was an eye opening event. Upon returning home. I was required to give twenty free readings and get feedback on the accuracy of the readings and report this to the angel therapy offices. And then upon completion of an essay on my experiences at the seminar, and why I wanted to be an angel therapist. I received my certificate. And am now a certified angel therapy practitioner® .
Not long before going to the angel therapy seminar. I had gone for a psychic / spiritual reading, and among the many things, I was told that she saw light or healing energies coming from my hands, at that time, I interpreted it to mean that I was blessed with the gift of Reiki, and pursued learning all about Reiki, not long after that, I was guided to join the previously mentioned Reiki group through a series of divinely ordered events in my life.( I now know however, that when we receive guidance through a reading. It does not mean we have to rush right out and implement it in our lives, it can be referring to now or 10 years from now. It is up to us to determine this, by the synchronicity of events in our lives.) So I learned all about Reiki and had some wonderful teachers and Reiki Masters, who guiding me. I have had A level 1 and a level 2 Attunement, so now I am a certified level two Reiki practitioner. But I did not feel comfortable with the so-called ceremony surrounding the use of Reiki, The symbols and with having clients returning on a regular basis, it would be a half-hour to a one hour session and then I would have to have them continue coming back, and slowly over a period of time, they would show improvement in their health or what ever condition that compelled them to come for Reiki treatments. Meanwhile, it was costing them money that I did not feel was well spent. So, I did not pursue the Reiki, as I was not comfortable with it. However I was very interested in pursuing the ability to communicate with Angels and Guides in the world of spirit and give messages of love and light to people who it would help, I was also fascinated by people who had the ability to communicate with deceased loved ones. As this helps people receive comfort and closure after having received messages from their dearly departed loved ones. This interest led me to go to a workshop / class on advanced spirit communication and public mediumship, as I already had the ability to communicate with the Angels, I wanted to refine and enhance my ability to communicate with the unseen world. So now I am a Certified Medium.
I am a student of the teachings of the channeled energy called Kryon by Lee Carroll.
Through the Kryon teachings I have discovered a new form of energy work that was discovered by Dr. Eric Pearl. http://www.thereconnection.com
It is remotely similar to Reiki. In that the person will lie on a massage table, and I will move my Hands over the areas of your body I am guided to work on. With out actually touching you, except in rare cases. I will not be the one doing the healing work I will merely be like a pipeline for the energy to flow to bring about what ever it is that your body needs. Be it physical, emotional or spiritual healing. Please be aware that God / Love / Universe decides what to give you for your healing during a session Neither myself or you can predetermine what that will be.
I was told in another reading more recently, last year that she saw me doing healing work. And she used the words tai chi or Qui gong, I never really had any interest in tai chi , I looked into the Qui gong. But did not feel attracted to it. I even canceled a seminar I had signed up for with Master Robert Peng , as it did not feel right. Now, since discovering what is called The Reconnection and Reconnective Healing, I am passionately drawn to this. I cannot stop thinking about it. It's as if my spirit guides are giving me a loud and clear message that this is the work for me to be doing. So I am now doing this work, and it is very rewarding .