Angel therapy ,Offering the Wisdom of the angels to Help and Guide you in your life path.

As in the Artwork on the left, many of us are caught up in our daily lives. And somehow either do not take the time or find the time to be still and listen to our Guardian Angels. It is my desire to help guide you with messages from your Angels, in important life decisions such as Career, Romance and what ever obstacles { Lessons } life happens to bring your way. Your Guardian Angels love you very much. And we would like to help you with our loving advice and guidance. You are not alone loved ones. All you have to do is ask and we will be there to assist you in your life journey. We are anxiously awaiting your call, and we will be at your side in an instant. You were born with free will, and by our ways we cannot interfere with your free will, But all you have to do is call or think Angels, I need your help. And we will be there in an instant to help with your slightest need. It gives us great joy to help you !
How we can help.
please do not think we are too busy to help you. Or that your needs are too insignificant for us to pay attention to. Nothing is too great or too trivial for us to help you with. At birth, we came to be by your side to guide and help you throughout your life journey. We are here for you, and only you, all of our time is dedicated to you loved ones as we are your guardian angels. We do not judge you in any way, no matter what it is. Whatever you may have done in your life, or how much you may regret having done it. We love you unconditionally. You are perfect, whole and complete and that is the way we see you, Full of light and love in our eyes, for we can only see the very best in you. ! We want to help you open up to our guidance and Direction and to help you learn how to clearly receive it without having to rely on others to bring our messages to you.....
There are specially trained people on earth, called lightworkers, who we have been guiding towards the light of love and Divinity for many years, Guiding them to read and study various books and teachings to open their hearts and minds to the truths of unconditional universal love. Many lightworkers are all around you and thier mission is to help you open up to your divine spiritual gifts of intuition, and Divine guidance, which some people just seem to know things without quite knowing how and later discover they were correct , as in knowing who is on the phone before you answer it. True guidance is always loving & kind and gives you faith and encouragement, repeatedly until you get the message. False guidance is always changing, full of fears, doubts and insecurities, worry and negativity.
Where can I learn about this guidance. ?
Dr. Doreen virtue, Ph.D. has been guided by her angels to spread the light of unconditional universal love and through her life lessons and divine guidance, She is now a channel for Angel messages and teaches Angel therapy ®. Doreen also has many books and CDs to help guide you in your life path and career goals, Search for your soulmate and many other ways. She now conducts seminars to teach other lightworker's how to open up to their divine inheritance of spiritual gifts. How to channel messages from guardian angels, spirit guides, and even pet angels. Conduct spiritual cleansing, successfully use Oracle cards. Cleanse align and balance your chakras and other great things. Those who attend her seminars and successfully complete all the required training are then certified by Doreen to help guide you in your life path and help teach you how to connect with and communicate with your angels also. I have become known as Phoenix because of the major and overwhelming changes that have happened to me since beginning this work. I am certified by Doreen virtue as an angel therapy practitioner ®. I am available to help you in any way I can. Ultimately I would like to help you learn how to access your own inner guidance and communicate with your Guardian Angels. I follow your Angels guidance as to what is in your highest good, as well as whatever you need help and guidance with in your life journey, including messages from your Guardian Angels. Your pet's Angels, deceased loved ones and Friends, spirit guides, etc. I will provide you with spiritual growth advice and coaching to help you discover your life's mission or life's path and hopefully discover your life's purpose.
How we can help.
please do not think we are too busy to help you. Or that your needs are too insignificant for us to pay attention to. Nothing is too great or too trivial for us to help you with. At birth, we came to be by your side to guide and help you throughout your life journey. We are here for you, and only you, all of our time is dedicated to you loved ones as we are your guardian angels. We do not judge you in any way, no matter what it is. Whatever you may have done in your life, or how much you may regret having done it. We love you unconditionally. You are perfect, whole and complete and that is the way we see you, Full of light and love in our eyes, for we can only see the very best in you. ! We want to help you open up to our guidance and Direction and to help you learn how to clearly receive it without having to rely on others to bring our messages to you.....
There are specially trained people on earth, called lightworkers, who we have been guiding towards the light of love and Divinity for many years, Guiding them to read and study various books and teachings to open their hearts and minds to the truths of unconditional universal love. Many lightworkers are all around you and thier mission is to help you open up to your divine spiritual gifts of intuition, and Divine guidance, which some people just seem to know things without quite knowing how and later discover they were correct , as in knowing who is on the phone before you answer it. True guidance is always loving & kind and gives you faith and encouragement, repeatedly until you get the message. False guidance is always changing, full of fears, doubts and insecurities, worry and negativity.
Where can I learn about this guidance. ?
Dr. Doreen virtue, Ph.D. has been guided by her angels to spread the light of unconditional universal love and through her life lessons and divine guidance, She is now a channel for Angel messages and teaches Angel therapy ®. Doreen also has many books and CDs to help guide you in your life path and career goals, Search for your soulmate and many other ways. She now conducts seminars to teach other lightworker's how to open up to their divine inheritance of spiritual gifts. How to channel messages from guardian angels, spirit guides, and even pet angels. Conduct spiritual cleansing, successfully use Oracle cards. Cleanse align and balance your chakras and other great things. Those who attend her seminars and successfully complete all the required training are then certified by Doreen to help guide you in your life path and help teach you how to connect with and communicate with your angels also. I have become known as Phoenix because of the major and overwhelming changes that have happened to me since beginning this work. I am certified by Doreen virtue as an angel therapy practitioner ®. I am available to help you in any way I can. Ultimately I would like to help you learn how to access your own inner guidance and communicate with your Guardian Angels. I follow your Angels guidance as to what is in your highest good, as well as whatever you need help and guidance with in your life journey, including messages from your Guardian Angels. Your pet's Angels, deceased loved ones and Friends, spirit guides, etc. I will provide you with spiritual growth advice and coaching to help you discover your life's mission or life's path and hopefully discover your life's purpose.